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Introducing the new OG Group Content Module

Submitted by barnettech on Thu, 08/07/2014 - 18:05

I've just released the OG Group Content module https://www.drupal.org/project/og_groupcontent on drupal.org. Here is the description of the module from drupal.org:

"The OG Group Content module creates all the basic popular content types often used in a group setting, blogs, wikis, events, polls, announcements and creates with very little configuration a nice looking framework for your organic groups. There are even special types of blogs for instructors, and there is a syllabi content type available. There is also a nice calendar which displays events or syllabi if those content types are used. If you don't want to use a content type, not a problem, you can pick and choose which ones you want to use on the site."

Installing Selenium 2 on OSX

Submitted by barnettech on Thu, 02/20/2014 - 11:09


Here above is a linkback to a great tutorial.  Here is the content in case the page above gets taken down (its happened before) and I need to find the notes myself.  Hopefully damien.co gets more traffic than this page, but I don't want to lose the great info in case he ever takes down his site.


Setting up and using VIMs Exuberant CTAGS on OSX (MAC)

Submitted by barnettech on Mon, 10/28/2013 - 15:45

Assuming you have macports install you first type:

port install ctags

Then you generate a ctags file in the root of your Drupal project by typing in:

ctags --langmap=php:.engine.inc.module.theme.install.php --php-kinds=cdfi --languages=php --recurse

type in the following in vim to tell vim to look in the current directory for a tags file and then the parent, and then recursively continue until a tags file is found.

:set tags=./tags; 

Now type in ctrl-] on any function or class name and it will take you to the definition

Here is my .vimrc file for mvim

Submitted by barnettech on Mon, 10/21/2013 - 11:45

Here is my .vimrc file for mvim, in particular I don't want to forget how to configure Syntastic for Drupal syntax checking in drupal.  If you type in "phpcs -i" you can verify that the drupal sniffer is setup and available.  The output on my screen from phpcs -i is "The installed coding standards are Drupal, MySource, PEAR, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend"

The rest of the instructions here will be sufficient as long as you know to add the line about syntastic_phpcs_conf in your vimrc file:  https://drupal.org/node/1419988