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Great general questions about how the internet works.

Submitted by barnettech on Thu, 07/18/2013 - 18:49

These are some great questions a student recently emailed to me.  My answers are in green.  Thank you for letting me share your questions!  I've been hearing some of these often, which always says to me, it's time to blog about it :)


I have some questions about the terminal application on my mac. I am very confused about the terminology and processes. 

What are views in Drupal and What Awesome Things Can you Do with Views

Submitted by barnettech on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 09:31

If you're in my class and want to install views on the linux box I already have drush installed so you just need to follow the 6 steps below:  (if you're not in my class but just are following along in the book to install views on your local machine skip to after step 6 to the video -- If you're in my class and want to install views on your own machine you can use the video and instructions after step 6 as well). 

1.) use putty on a pc or terminal on a mac to login to drupalessentials.babson.edu

Drupal Web Programming Essentials, Intro and Code Editor Recommendation

Submitted by barnettech on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 09:24


Welcome to Drupal Web Programming Essentials.  This is the first video for the book Drupal Web Programming Essentials, and class for Babson College.  This video has a basic intoduction and a recommendation for a code editor so we can get started learning Drupal and all essential technologies.  The book teaches basic HTML, CSS, JavaSript, LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, MYSQL) and Drupal programming -- everything you need to launch a career as a web programmer / Drupal programmer.  The book is or will be available shortly.

Instead of using node_save or user_save use entity_metadata_wrapper !

Submitted by barnettech on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:08

In Drupal7 with entities there are some cooler ways of manipulating entity objects than using node_save and user_save, now this code for instance will allow you to add a value to the cck machine name field "field_user_terms" which takes multiple values  -- many taxonomy terms can be assigned to this field so you'll notice it's an array:

$user = user_load($current_row->uid);
$obj = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $user);
$obj->field_user_terms[] = $current_row->tid;