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Introducing the new OG Group Content Module

Submitted by barnettech on Thu, 08/07/2014 - 18:05

I've just released the OG Group Content module  https://www.drupal.org/project/og_groupcontent on drupal.org.  Here is the description of the module from drupal.org:

"The OG Group Content module creates all the basic popular content types often used in a group setting, blogs, wikis, events, polls, announcements and creates with very little configuration a nice looking framework for your organic groups. There are even special types of blogs for instructors, and there is a syllabi content type available. There is also a nice calendar which displays events or syllabi if those content types are used. If you don't want to use a content type, not a problem, you can pick and choose which ones you want to use on the site."

Drupal Commons distribution is awesome for a totally out of the box solution for a community site (we used it for quite a while), but what if you're ready for the next step, you're outgrowing commons, and you want more customization.  The OG Group Content module gives you a more basic community framework, without as much architectual overhead, so you can make more decisions that are right for your business.  If you want to really customize your community site, and organic group environment, this new module is a great first building block.  Also because it was created at Babson College, there are some great (optional) features that schools will love --- a great syllabus content type, and special blogs ideal for classrooms (there are regular blogs as well for the rest).  I've heard many at the Boston Drupal Meetup at MIT say that Commons is great, but often has more features than is needed, and sometimes it can be hard to customize, and add on to ....  So here's another option for the community, another lego brick for the colorful wall :)

Anyhow special shout out to lokapujya who's volunteered to help maintain the module.


Barnettech (Babson College)