Load a database, db, via drush
gunzip < db/backupfile.sql.gz | drush sqlc
gunzip < db/backupfile.sql.gz | drush sqlc
also install migrate_sandbox module
This method actually worked very nicely today:
Host github.com AddKeysToAgent yes IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain,UseKeychain IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
The high watermark can be set via Drush before running the migration in order to get a different timespan of updates.
For example, to get all updates since 9/1/2023:
drush mshw publication 20230901
drush mim publication --update
Clearing the high watermark will pull all records:
drush mshw publication
drush mim publication --update
name: example-xdebug recipe: drupal9 config: webroot: . # Set Xdebug off by default. We use the tooling below to turn it on as needed. xdebug: false services: appserver: overrides: environment: XDEBUG_MODE: 'debug,develop' tooling: xdebug-on: service: appserver description: Enable Xdebug. user: root cmd: - docker-php-ext-enable xdebug && kill -USR2 $(pgrep -o php-fpm) > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/apache2 reload - tput setaf 2 && echo "Xdebug On" && tput sgr 0 && echo xdebug-off: service: appserver
Source grabs it from the JSON feed, process does the mapping to the Drupal fields in the publication2 content type, and destination defines the content type it will map into:
Just got to http://base_url/jwt/token
Embeddings versus Fine Tuning: https://youtu.be/_wtfszFzqt0
Forcing it to answer from the data given through embeddings, versus augmenting the sum of chatGPT data. From the spreadsheet example listing a bunch of animal names, which one is likely to speak English was asked, and it's forced to answer and choose from the list of animals, so it picked "Turtle" probably because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles roflol!
Add the Assets, Packages, and ProjectSettings folders to your git repository at the same level as the .git, .gitattributes and .gitignore files.