Create the target taxonomy on the D8 side first with the correct machine name, and label
dependencies: enforced: module: - d7custommigration id: rule_letter_type_taxonomy_vocabulary_to_D8 class: Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration migration_tags: - 'Drupal 7' migration_group: finra_upgrade label: 'Rule Letter Taxonomy vocabulary' source: plugin: d7_taxonomy_term bundle: rule_letter_type key: d7finra destination: plugin: entity:taxonomy_term process: tid: tid vid: plugin: default_value default_value: rule_letter_type name: name weight: weight 'description/value': description 'description/format': format # Only attempt to stub real (non-zero) parents. parent_id: - plugin: skip_on_empty method: process source: parent - plugin: migration_lookup migration: rule_letter_type_taxonomy_vocabulary_to_D8 parent: plugin: default_value default_value: 0 source: '@parent_id' changed: timestamp migration_dependencies: { }