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JABBER module for drupal is now released

Submitted by barnettech on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 11:07

Jabber integrates Drupal with XMPP (jabber) chat. The module enables it so any username anywhere on the site will turn green, grey or red reflecting their jabber status. The module integrates your roster with Organic Groups, and your regular instant messenger roster list. The module preserves chats, and chat history between your drupal page loads. The readme is below.

http://drupal.org/project/jabber README.txt ---------------

The Jabber Module integrates Drupal with any xmpp service. Whether you want to integrate with Google Talk as we do at Babson College or with AIM, or any other instant messenger service that uses XMPP, Droogle will integrate your users to enable XMPP communication on your Drupal site. The module will create a roster ("friends list") from your current friends list for your JID you sign in with, and as well it will construct a list from the organic groups you are a member of within your Drupal installation. If you are authorized to speak with the Jids in your list the names will turn grey, green or red if the person is afk, available or away respectively. At Babson we use Google for education and there is a setting so users in your domain do not need authorization to chat.

INSTALL --------------

1.) Install Jabber like any other Drupal module, Put the jabber module in your modules folder and then enable the module in admin/build/modules (or preferably use drush to download and enable your module :)

2.) In admin/settings/jabber set the profile field where jabber will pull user's google passwords from.

3.)In admin/user/profile configure the profile field you named in the above step.

4.) Realize Jabber will be pulling your user's JIDs from the standard Drupal email address field associated with each user's profile. So on GTalk my username (jid) might be username@gmail.com or on AIM username@aol.com so then my Drupal email address would have to be one of these usernames (jids) and then I would need to input my Google password into the profile field configured above for my user.

5.) This module utilizes the strophe javascript library and other jquery and jquery ui files. I just commited this Drupal 6 version to github: https://github.com/barnettech/jabber You can download the javascript files/libraries from this github project and thus guarantee you get the same versions of the files I know work. Or you can just download your copies from their source on the internet. Here are the files that will need to be in the jabber modules js directory: Crypto flensed.js jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js swfobject.js checkplayer.js gab.js jquery.ui.core.js updateplayer.swf flXHR.js jabber.js jquery.ui.dialog.js flXHR.swf jabber_gab.js strophe.flxhr.js flXHR.vbs jquery-1.7.1.min.js strophe.js jabber.js and jabber_gab.js I wrote myself and so there are no rights issues and so come with the module. The rest cannot be posted on Drupal.org directly.

5.5.) Enable the 2 jabber blocks on any page(s) of your site you like (probably within the organic groups context? or on a user profile page?). The 2 blocks are named the Jabber Block and Jabber Chat Block, and the first shows your roster, and the 2nd is the chat area itself. Both must be enabled on the same page to function together.

5.7.) Also there is a page called at /jabber which I've used for testing but could be used if you like as the main chat page for the user.

5.9.) FYI you can enable presense anywhere a username shows up on your site by wrapping it like this:

John Dov

The jid (username/email address) of the user must have the dashes instead of the username@gmail.com format as you see above when constructing the class name. Then if jabber is enabled on that page with the jabber blocks being present, then the username will turn green, red, or grey no matter where it is on the page. 6.) I fully intend to support this module, and be in touch with any questions. Also checkout the Droogle module which integrates Drupal with Google Docs (Google Drive as its now called) and Droogle comes with backend APIs to manage Google users.