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To Drupal config import a single file or a handful of files

Submitted by barnettech on Tue, 03/16/2021 - 10:01

Copy the config file(s) to a temp directory called only-few-configs (or whatver you like) and run drush cim --partial --source=/full/pathTo/only-few-configs/

This should have worked supposedly: drupal config:import:single --directory="/Users/jamesbarnett/sites/IPC/ipcedtr/config/default" --file="views.view.confirm_message_product_display.yml". (might need drupal console?)

It's working 10/3/2023 like this:

drush cim --partial --source="sites/default/files/config_2qxS84OiSm1EoIIcX3HFTV8-JsS8c-pks87NrsHJkFA0U2X6cg8C66i5u7klv3Iu2w76K2QSFw/sync"