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Drupal Calendar View not working and month of November wont show up

Submitted by barnettech on Tue, 11/24/2009 - 12:12


"I found by trial and error that setting my server to the local timezone (I am trapped in PHP 5.1) and then default PHP Timezone = TRUE in Date4 makes this go away."

"I suspect that the problem is mostly with PHP.
If possible, the best option is to upgrade your PHP to 5.2.x. I am having good luck with 5.2.9 right now.

If you cannot upgrade your PHP version, you should enable the Date PHP4 module. This module is required for PHP versions less than 5.2. From the Date documentation:

Date PHP4: Emulate PHP 5.2 date functions in PHP 4.x, PHP 5.0, and PHP 5.1. Required when using the Date API with PHP versions less than PHP 5.2."