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Droogle for Drupal 7 Released Integrating Google Drive and Drupal

Submitted by barnettech on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 15:14

Droogle for Drupal 7 was just released and supports Google Drive features and folder level support. http://drupal.org/project/Droogle Droogle is a project I've authored that is sponsored by Babson College, and integrates Google Drive (formerly Google Docs) with Drupal. There is now both a Drupal 6 and a Drupal 7 version available. Folders are now displayed -- out of the box the css supports up to 5 levels of folders, the php supports infinite levels, and the css could easily extend to support more levels. There is an upload feature which is permission based and lets users and or admins upload docs to Google. There is an organic group block to support having each organic group maintain it's own documents, and as well there is a non - organic group page for non - og users. Babson will use the module within organic groups which will function as virtual class groups, and each organic group (class) will have a google user of the same name as the organic group, and that group will manage their group files in this way. The module has a file chock full of api functions to manage your docs, folders (collections) and users at Google. I also released Jabber for D6 yesterday http://drupal.org/project/jabber and this integrates Drupal with Gtalk, or any other Jabber service. Please be in touch through the issue que with any questions or problems. If you want to chat about Drupal and education, collaborating on the future of these modules, or about collaborating with Babson Development be in touch :)