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Add a class to a paragraph

Submitted by barnettech on Wed, 07/17/2019 - 19:03


hasField('field_button_color') && !$paragraph->field_button_color->isEmpty()) {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'button-color--' . $paragraph->field_button_color->value;

or in

 * Prepares variables for entity template.
 * Default template: items.html.twig.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array of variables.
function template_preprocess_entity(&$variables) {
  $field_attribute_mapping = [
        'field_placement' => 'overlay-placement',

    foreach ($field_attribute_mapping as $field_name => $attribute) {

        if (!$entity->hasField($field_name)) {

        if ($entity->get($field_name)->isEmpty()) {

        if ($value = $entity->get($field_name)->target_id) {
            // This is an entity reference field. Get the entity label.

            // Get the related entity (taxonomy term).
            if ($related_entity = $entity->get($field_name)->entity) {
                $entity_label = $related_entity->label();
                $value = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Html::cleanCssIdentifier($entity_label);
            else {
                // Fall back to entity ID retrieved above.

        else {
            $value = $entity->get($field_name)->value;

        $variables['attributes']['class'] = "{$attribute}--{$value}";
        $variables['attributes']["data-{$attribute}"] = $value;
